Serenity Pet Massage

Healing Touch for Animals®

Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) is an energy field therapy that supports the body to self-heal.

Healing Touch for Animals® assists with:

Overall well-being
Health issues
Healing from accidents and injuries
Pain control
Disease prevention
Anxiety and stress reduction
Separation issues
Behavior modification
Competition performance
Training focus
Deepen animal/human bond
Ease the dying process
Support during euthanasia

HTA® Techniques:

Bridging with Behavioral Change
Chakra Balance for Animals
Double Hand Boost
Etheric Heartbeat
Magnetic Clearing for Animals
Vibrational Grooming
Grounding and Focus
Trauma Release
Vertebral Release and Repair
Chi Balance
Distance Healing
Energy Frequency Balance
Essential Oil Thumbprint Application
Chakra-Hara Anchor
Hara Repair and Balance
Thumbprint Balance
Tuning Fork Techniques:
Energy Field Clearing
Sound Therapy Pair 5 Balance for Humans
Space Clearing

Melanie Hampton, RVT, CESMT, CCMT, HTA® and Reiki Practitioner

Telephone: (919) 436-3306

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