Serenity Pet Massage

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where is Serenity Pet Massage located?

   Serenity Pet Massage is mobile and serves the Triangle area of North Carolina.
   I drive to your house and provide massage for your best friend in the comfort and
   familiarity of your home.

2. Who benefits from massage?

   There are many instances where massage can be a huge help to the animal:

Young Puppies
       Massaging young puppies gets them used to positive human touch, and it is a wonderful
       way of socializing them. Since bones grow at the ends near the joints, growing
       puppies benefit from regular massage around the joints as well as along the limbs.
       Massage will also help prevent sprains and strains by lengthening and toning muscles,
       tendons and ligaments.

Sporting dogs
       will benefit from both pre-event and post-event massage. Pre-event massage helps
       with warm-up and is done with a slightly faster rhythm to enhance blood flow to the
       muscles, reduce muscle tension, and get the whole system revved up. Enhanced blood
       flow increases oxygen delivery to the tissues, helping to prevent muscle injuries.

       Post-event massage is done with a slower rhythm to loosen the muscles and joints and
       calm the whole system down. It will help prevent stiffness and sore muscles by
       flushing out the toxins that may become trapped in the tissue during vigorous exercise.

Working dogs
       such as search & rescue, assistance, therapy and police dogs are under a lot of
       pressure in their daily lives. Massage will help relieve the stress while soothing
       tired muscles after a long day on the job.

Older dogs
       often suffer from problems such as arthritis, stiffness, and other joint problems.
       Massage is a gentle and effective way to ease muscle tension and decrease stiffness.
       It will also help to increase muscle tone, circulation and flexibility in less active dogs.

       Dogs recovering from injury or surgery benefit greatly from massage. It helps speed up
       the healing process by stimulating the body and enhancing the repair process. Even if
       massage is contraindicated for the area of injury or surgical site, the rest of the body
       can benefit from massage. Movement and the blood flow generated from massage can
       release adhesions in scar tissue.

All animals
       benefit from regular "health maintenance" massage. Just as in people, massage helps
       to reduce stress, increase flexibility and movement, enhance circulation, and
       contributes to the overall ability of the body to function properly.

  • Increases circulation of the blood and lymphatic systems
  • Increases flexibility and range of motion
  • Relieves muscular restrictions, tightness, stiffness and spasms
  • Flushes toxins and metabolic wastes from the system
  • Interrupts the pain cycle
  • Helps reduce excessive scar formation in soft tissue
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Transmits the psychological benefits of touch
  • Maintains health
  • Relieves stress
  • Helps maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat
  • Promotes an overall sense of wellness and relaxation
  • Can be used as a preventative therapy to help keep your pet healthy

3. What do I need to know and have available for my pet's initial visit?

The New Client Form, available on the website, can be printed and filled out
      prior to my arrival.
Proof of Rabies Vaccine.
It's important that you walk your dog before my arrival so they can relieve themselves.
If there are any other pets in the household; they should be isolated from the area
      the massage will take place so there are no distractions. The area needs to be big
      enough to set up a massage table (approximately 36" wide by 60" long).
If the pet is on a special/restricted diet; please have appropriate treats available,
      especially if your pet is anxious.

4. Does my Veterinarian need to refer me, or can I make my own appointment?

You can make your own appointment, however, if there has been a recent injury,
      surgery or if your pet is suffering from a chronic disease; I will call your Veterinarian
      to consult with them and get their permission for your pet to have a massage session.

5. My dog is very nervous, and I know there are medications he can take, but can
    massage be an alternative?

It's definitely worth trying before resorting to medication. I've had great results with
      anxiety issues but there have been some pets that still required the medication route.
      Sometimes it takes both methods to alleviate anxiety issues.

6. How long does it take to see improvement in my pet after a massage session?

Results are dependent upon what we are treating.
      I've had some clients; whose dogs are suffering from osteoarthritis and/or hip dysplasia,
      report back to me that their dog went up and down the stairs for the first time in months
      after their massage! You'll see immediate results in their sense of well being. They may
      be relaxed after the massage or have an increase in energy levels because they
      feel good after their massage.

7. What type of payment methods do you accept?

I accept Cash, Checks, Visa® and Mastercard®.

8. Are gift certificates available?

Yes! Customized gift certificates are available upon request.

Was your question not answered here?
Please feel free to contact me.

Melanie Hampton, RVT, CESMT, CCMT, HTA® and Reiki Practitioner

Telephone: (919) 436-3306

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